File Crypter

This programs crypts files with a stub and with multiple options.


Screenshot of File Crypter


  1. Custom Icon
  2. Encryption key
  3. AES encryption
  4. PolyStairs encryption
  5. Arcfour encryption
  6. TripleDES encryption
  7. Symmetric + PolyXOR encryption
  8. Dislables options
  9. Fake error message
  10. Spread

MD5-Checksum: 240f88d78ead0bf67b2526c3749d5215
Download count: 21335
You can download* it from this link.

*=By clicking 'Download' you accept the Terms of Service.



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yatjua4#127 Reply

0110 001 000 00100 010 000 0100010 011 0
Posted 7 years ago

109 avatar

Andrspli21#109 Reply

i like it , thanks admin , really good!!!! XS
Posted 7 years ago

53 avatar

oxe#53 Reply

How many days can stay FUD any RAT crypted?
Posted 8 years ago

46 avatar

waywidow#46 Reply

nice content very thanks :)
Posted 8 years ago

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h4x0r#30 Reply

Posted 8 years ago

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h4x0r#36 Reply

Reply to h4x0r (#30)Posted 8 years ago

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