
This programs makes automatic clicks with multiple options.


Screenshot of Autoclicker

MD5-Checksum: 0a3f18a0daee3f4fbc88dc92b0589243
Download count: 9222
You can download* it from this link.

*=By clicking 'Download' you accept the Terms of Service.



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441 avatar

Administrator#441 Reply

Posted 4 years ago

267 avatar

badareen#267 Reply

why i can't download ??
Posted 5 years ago

250 avatar

enchoseon#250 Reply

Muahuahuahua! Cookie clickers doesn't stand a chance.
Posted 6 years ago

206 avatar

fateh#206 Reply

سانار هذا تطبيق
Posted 6 years ago

196 avatar

grim#196 Reply

Posted 6 years ago

141 avatar

404 found#141 Reply

Posted 7 years ago

63 avatar

iwillnotint#63 Reply

i wwill probaly not use these programs, but it still can be usefull, sometimes, i guess
Posted 8 years ago

85 avatar

qwertyui#85 Reply

Reply to iwillnotint (#63)Posted 8 years ago

59 avatar

autotracker#59 Reply

Hi i need some of you programmers to hack my school site to change my school grades pls help me. My parents expectations are high and i get kicked from home if they dont get changed so pls help me pls!
Posted 8 years ago

67 avatar

a hint...#67 Reply

use SQL injection, write me on the chat
Reply to autotracker (#59)Posted 8 years ago

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